
Choose Sabretooth Drone Service for a birds-eye view!

Safer, faster, and cost-effective-er

Aerial inspections outshine manual inspections bar none.

With manual inspections, workers put their lives at risk, it takes too long, and the data collected isn’t nearly as accurate or valuable.

Really, does having a worker climb up a wind turbine the height of the Statue of Liberty actually sound like a good idea?

Or would you rather have an unmanned aerial vehicle (read: a drone) fly up to the designated height and collect high resolution video and pictures in a matter of minutes.

We hope you choose the latter. And if you do, we hope you will choose Sabretooth Drone Service for your company’s next inspection.


Sabretooth Drone Service offers aerial inspections for a variety of industries.

A few industries we serve:

-          Oil and gas

-          Solar and wind energy

-          Construction sites

-          Chemical and gas plants

-          Telecommunications

-          Insurance

Basically, if it needs a visual inspection that is out of reach, we can do it.

Our inspections allow us to gather data and provide insights that would otherwise be difficult to obtain.

We can fly to the highest heights and enter the most dangerous of territories. All while avoiding the dreaded downtime associated with manual inspections. That’s right. We can provide you with high resolution pictures and videos in a matter of minutes. Which effectively saves you time and money.

Contact us for a FREE quote on your next scheduled inspection or to learn more about the many benefits Sabretooth Drone Service can provide you.